What is Twitter? - McMicroDesigns

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Sunday 12 June 2022

What is Twitter?

 Let's start with a description from Wikipedia.

"Twitter is a social networking site and a small blogging service that allows its users to post and read updates from other users (known as tweets), written in 140-letter text."

Now there is a little denial here. There are hundreds of manuals about Twitter and how to use them better and no one agrees on what is best. Here I am only looking at how you can use this to improve and use your blogging efforts.

Twitter can be used for more than that but that is not our topic here.

So we have a definition of Wikipedia and here is what I take with you and what a blogger should know and use.

Twitter is a small blog forum. You are limited to 140 characters per post. This forces you to be short and keep each tweet (Twitter post) in just one topic.

The key to successfully using Twitter is to understand that it is a conversation between people. It's about sharing information. It is not a marketplace though some disagree. I'm not saying you can't use it for sale but you need to do it the right way.

If you plan to use Twitter as a platform to send your links forget it now. As a blogger you need to provide valuable information and build your reputation as a valuable resource.

Do that again if you recommend something people will like. Just post the links and very few will continue to follow you.

It works just like any other network. It is very important when you organize information for others about your niche. As a blogger when you find important resources for others and inform people about what is important to your readers on your blog or followers on Twitter.

As an offline network you do not go to a local Chamber meeting and present your business. You talk to people when you ask for theirs. Have an idea that can help them - share it. Do that and develop relationships that will benefit your business not because you have established your business but because you have become an important resource that others will recommend.

Twitter works the same way.

Twitter can be very powerful in keeping you in touch with what's new in your market place. Some tools may allow you to follow any topic easily.

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