Turning Traffic In To Adsense Traffic - McMicroDesigns

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Sunday 12 June 2022

Turning Traffic In To Adsense Traffic

If you have been playing AdSense ads on your site for a long time and you feel you are not making as much money as you can, in 99.99% of cases you are right. Many people feel frustrated that they cannot produce the revenue they were hoping for, and this has dropped in traffic levels and clicks on prices.

There are many ways to turn traffic into AdSense traffic and here is a short list of each description.

The first thing you need to do is adjust the content of your site. While for some people this is not an option (if you run a forum as an example it is very difficult) many people can turn their AdSense sites into real money cows.

To get started, you should find out what your site's keywords are. This is a basic approach to SEO (search engine optimization) known as keyword verification. The best tool for this job is SEO Density Analizer.

You should take this listing and search the Overture Search Inventory or the Google AdWords Sandbox to find out what other names might be better than the ones you currently have.

From then on try to keep your site focused on the things that come most from keyword suggestions you find. Try to include those keywords, or at least the related keywords as often as possible in your site links.

Because of the way Google AdSense works this is a sure way to increase your revenue because you will get better ads on your AdSense banners, much like you can get a better Google PageRank.

It is also important that you regularly add new pages to your site. This is very important, as the more pages you have, the more likely you are to find the best songs in your ads.

It is also very important that you choose the appropriate formats for your AdSense banners and their best locations. While this is a very broad topic you should know that the top three formats of Google AdSense are: 336 × 280 rectangular 300 × 250 rectangular center and 160 × 600 skyscraper.

Make sure you choose the right colors for the ads, as making them very different from your site content (or just a bit different) is sure to make visitors look like ads that have nothing to do with the site itself.

Make sure these ads are placed where they will generate maximum revenue. Most of the time, that site is said to be ahead of the actual content of your site.

On pages with long text, you can find buildings to do better, simply because users find them overtime. Also, on sites with news or similar content, you may find a good position to lower your content, because that's when people finish reading your story and looking for something else to do.

You should use additional AdSense units if you have too much text on your page. Just make sure you do not overdo it because you may find that you will get very low CTR and low income and you will get it from the beginning by using this process improperly. You can add up to three units, so use them wisely.

There is a Google AdSense Preview Tool that will allow you to visualize what ads can be offered on your page and can come in handy as a test.

Just make sure you respect AdSense's policy on click-through fraud. As a guide you can place an image next to your extensions, just make sure you leave some room in the middle to make sure this is not considered to encourage visitors to click a link.

Yes, there are many ways to increase AdSense traffic to your site, but these should serve as a good starting point for revenue generation.

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